Joana Dark challenged me to help her present her new album in a live show that had to capture where she was coming from taking it a step further conceptually and visually.

After months of ideation, crazy requests to production, many hours of rehearsal, some lighting tests, fitting sessions and more staging tests, we presented the live show at the Mediterranean Music Festival.

A groundbreaking, raw and electric staging that placed her voice in the centre and spread like roots throughout the stage. A sober forest, 2-meter braids and neutral styling helped us draw the modern landscape we needed to reinterpret such ancient stories.

Some behind the scenes <3

Freelance Crative Director
Concept & Creative development, Art & Show Direction
Musicians Ariadna Rulló, Neus Llorens, Kamy
Sound Design Samuel Escudero
Light Design Àngel Guilanyà
Producer Monica Jiménez
Photography Fabián Suspensivo, Isaac Carbonell